Friday, 6 March 2015

Ways to help you avoid high engine temperature

To avoid the high heat of the engine, you Agayambachiana rotating properly, with several taking preventive measures to ensure the safety of the engine:

1. Conduct daily routine maintenance
Help you avoid the routine maintenance high engine temperature, you'll need before driving Note cooling water level, and add an additional amount if it is less than the minimum, as well as ascertain the level of engine oil, and disclosure of the existence of any leaking of the cooling system and lubrication system, and make sure the cooling fan rotation.

2. Use a suitable coolant
You should not use regular water cycle cooling, but you should use the recommended cooling of the auto companies means, because the cooling fluid containing anti-freeze materials, plus it contains its comparative material to pump water, and the rate of evaporation is much less Mgarnabalmiah, and has a mind steel, to protect internal engine components.

3. Follow-up temperature warning indicator
Should not be limited to consideration of the instrument panel on the fuel level and the speed of the car, but care must be taken continuously index temperature of the engine, and the optimal situation the cursor between the C and H.

4. not to put excessive loads on the car
Loads in excess of the permissible boundaries have much damage to the car, one of these damages high engine temperature, overload and requires more than the ability of the engine, which increases the temperature, so it must abide by the maximum recommended by the vehicle manufacturer for the load.

5. periodic maintenance
Periodical maintenance according to the manufacturer's instructions, and a commitment to maintenance and timing schedule, based on the number of kilometers traveled or time period, you are guaranteed the safety of your car, and protects the car from the high degree of the engine which may result in a malfunction in one of the vehicle systems heat.

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